Monday 30 May 2016


 I hope you all are enjoying good health and definitely waiting for the next amazing home remedy. I am very happy that people are getting very good results from my remedies. It gives me satisfaction and urges me to do more valuable for you all.

 You all must be finding solution of very common problem that is before a certain age having white or grey hair. It has been observed in most of the children as well.

There can be certain reasons of it. This can be either deficiency of some important element or intake of insufficient diet. So before taking any solution you should focus on the proper meal so that all important ingredients may become part of your body.

Anyhow, now the thing is what should do next if you have white or grey hair. First of all, there are certain hair colors of various brands which are available in market in different color tones. But they are full of chemicals which in case don’t match with your skin may harm it.

So what you can do next?? You have very easy solution from your kitchen which is so cheap and easy which you even can’t imagine. This vegetable is in excess use and you always throw peel of it in the dustbin as wastage.

I am sure you will be thinking of that vegetable.. Don’t get confused. You eat it daily in different forms. I am talking about the king of the vegetables “potato”.

You can take two uses from potato. One for eating and second, its peel would be used for your hair as hair dye.

What to do:
                Take a pan and fill it with water. Now take peel of some washed potatoes and pour it in that pan. Now boil that water for almost 10 to 15 minute. After boiling water with peel of potatoes turn off the stove. Leave it for some time.
Your natural homemade hair dye is ready now. Its smell is little bit odd so you can add lavender oil or rose water to avoid its smell.

How to use:
                Wash your hair with shampoo as usual. After shampoo sprinkle this natural hair dye made with potato peel. Let it dry as natural.

Use it on regular basis and then you will realize that your need of branded hair dye is getting reduced. Continue it as your hair treatment to get black and shiny hair.

I would suggest you to make it fresh whenever you have to use it. Otherwise you may put it in the fridge for one or two days. Keeping it for long time will create bad smell in it. I suggest you to avoid doing so.

I am sure you will get best result after using this home remedy. If you do so and find best results do let others know about it.

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